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HexaDent Temporary 1:1 C & B automix acrylic. Self cure bis-acryl crown & bridge material. 50ml (76g) cartridge + 10 mix tips. Made in Germany.
 | A1/B1 50ML 4/27 |  |
A1/B1 50ML 4/27 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $75.98
$59.95 | $72.98
$57.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HT201 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A2 50ML 3/27 |  |
A2 50ML 3/27 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $75.98
$59.95 | $72.98
$57.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HT202 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A3 50ML 4/26 |  |
A3 50ML 4/26 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $75.98
$59.95 | $72.98
$57.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HT203 |  | Qty |  | |  |
HexaDent Brand 10:1 Temporary Crown & Bridge Material. will not dissapoint. Syringeable bis-acryl composite for chairside provisional restoration. 50ml Cartridge+Tips. Made in Germany.
 | 10:1 A1 5/26 |  |
10:1 A1 5/26 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $85.00
$69.00 | $84.00
$67.99 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HDXA1 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 10:1 A2 6/27 |  |
10:1 A2 6/27 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $85.00
$69.00 | $84.00
$67.99 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HDXA2 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 10:1 A3 6/26 |  |
10:1 A3 6/26 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $85.00
$69.00 | $84.00
$67.99 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HDXA3 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Premium Quality Cotton Filled Gauze Sponges. Guaranteed best quality. Box/5000
 | 2 X 2 COTTON FILLED |  |
2 X 2 COTTON FILLED Quantity | 1-3 | 4+ | Price* Sale Price | $49.95
$35.95 | $0.00
$35.00 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 2288C |  | Qty |  | |  |
Flowable Composite at a great price. 4 x 2gm syringe kit. Low viscosity formula for easy and precise placement. Compatible with all light cure composites.
 | A1 FLOWABLE 7/27 |  |
A1 FLOWABLE 7/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $29.95
$17.95 | $0.00
$17.50 | $0.00
$16.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HF301 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A2 FLOWABLE 7/27 |  |
A2 FLOWABLE 7/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $29.95
$17.95 | $0.00
$17.50 | $0.00
$16.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HF302 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A3 FLOWABLE 4/26 |  |
A3 FLOWABLE 4/26 Quantity | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $29.95
$17.95 | $0.00
$17.50 | $0.00
$16.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HF303 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Temporary Restorative Material kit features reinforced Z.O.E. (zinc oxide eugenol) for temporary fillings and cement. Ease of use and optimal adhesion. acts as a steadfast base and temporary cement offering the advantage of pulp protection and healing.
 | COMPLETE KIT 7/27 |  |
COMPLETE KIT 7/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $26.00
$14.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: LCH21 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Prime-Dent Bond or Best Buy ONIX brand single component, universal bonding agent . Hydrophilic adhesive suitable for use on moist dentin (wet bonding technique).
 | PRIME BOND 3ML 10/25 |  |
PRIME BOND 3ML 10/25 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $10.00
$4.99 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: P6032 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | PRIME BOND 7ML 9/27 |  |
PRIME BOND 7ML 9/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $18.95
$12.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: P6030 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | ONIX BOND 7ML 5/27 |  |
ONIX BOND 7ML 5/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $18.95
$10.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 16001 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Hygedent Chromatic is a 2 phase chromatic alginate dustless powder. Ideal for orthodontics
Chromatic 2 phase color change (white color powder, purple color at end of mixing time) Mint Flavor. 1lb bag.
 | CHROMATIC FAST 4/27 |  |
CHROMATIC FAST 4/27 Quantity | 1-9 | 10-19 | 20+ | Price* Sale Price | $16.00
$7.95 | $15.00
$6.95 | $14.00
$6.50 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HYGCF |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | CHROMATIC REG 6/26 |  |
CHROMATIC REG 6/26 Quantity | 1-9 | 10-19 | 20+ | Price* Sale Price | $16.00
$7.95 | $15.00
$6.95 | $14.00
$6.50 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HYGCR |  | Qty |  | |  |
Self-cured fluoride releasing Automix Core Buildup Material. Super strength provides a solid, long lasting core restoration. Convenient and consistent working & curing times. Excellent x-ray opacity. 50ml automix cartridge.
 | NATURAL 2/27 |  |
NATURAL 2/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $62.95
$47.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 19155 |  | Qty |  | |  |
12cc Utility Syringe with curved tip. Multipurpose curved tip syringe used for impression materials and irrigation. Box/50
 | 12CC SYRINGE |  |
12CC SYRINGE Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $21.00
$14.95 | $20.00
$14.00 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: DCS12 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Diamond polishing paste represents an ultimate solution for restoring original smoothness to dental ceramics after making repairs, adjustments, etc. Paste is based on high purity, non-toxic ingredients. 3gm syringe.
 | 3GM SYRINGE 11/26 |  |
3GM SYRINGE 11/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $23.95
$14.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 32500 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Enzymatic Ultrasonic and Evacuation Cleaning Solution. Easy pour metered bottle. Super concentrated 32oz bottle. Bottle makes 16 gallons.
 | EVACUATION 2/28 |  |
EVACUATION 2/28 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $45.00
$28.00 | $0.00
$0.00 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 41151 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | ULTRASONIC 9/26 |  |
ULTRASONIC 9/26 Quantity | 1 | 2+ | Price* Sale Price | $45.00
$28.00 | $0.00
$0.00 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 41150 |  | Qty |  | |  |
37% Blue etchant gel with 8 tips. Silica free for easy rinsing. Prime-Dent pak of 4-1.2ml syringes with 8 tips. *Dharma brand box of 25 is only .97 per syringe with 3% off coupon. Made in USA.
 | 4 X 1.2ML SYR 6/27 |  |
4 X 1.2ML SYR 6/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $10.95
$7.77 | $10.50
$7.49 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 801SF |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 25G ETCH TIP BAG/100 |  |
25G ETCH TIP BAG/100 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $7.00
$3.50 | $5.00
$2.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 7405P |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 25 X 1.2ML SYR 9/27 |  |
25 X 1.2ML SYR 9/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $35.00
$24.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 20004 |  | Qty |  | |  |
7ml Desensitizer. Bottle contains hema and benzalkonium chloride allowing fast, effective sealing off dentinal tubules by combining with proteins and forming a physiologic barrier of protection.
 | PRIMEDENT 7ML 1/27 |  |
PRIMEDENT 7ML 1/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $19.95
$10.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18011 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | BEST BUY 7ML 6/27 |  |
BEST BUY 7ML 6/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $19.95
$10.50 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: DH241 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Hemostatic Gauze Dressing. Individually packaged, sterile, soluble, cellulose-based. Absorbs blood and immediately transforms into a viscous gel, sealing the extraction site, filling wound voids, seals capillary ends and activating the clotting.
 | BOX/20 GAUZE 9/27 |  |
BOX/20 GAUZE 9/27 Quantity | 1 | 2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $65.00
$45.00 | $64.00
$42.00 | $62.00
$39.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 3DBHG |  | Qty |  | |  |
Implant TITAN, The ultimate impant cement. Reinforced adhesion and compressive strength. Secure restorations and easy removal without damage. Precise positioning and minimal displacement. 5ml Dual Cure 4:1 automix syr + 10 tips. Starter Pack. Made in Ge
 | 5ML AUTOMIX 5/26 |  |
5ML AUTOMIX 5/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $49.00
$35.00 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: HIC01 |  | Qty |  | |  |
DX-58 #2 Intraoral Dental X-Ray Film. DX58 soft poly film. Never any complaints. Savings without sacrifice. *As low as $36.64 with 3% off coupon.
 | DX-58 BOX/150 5/26 |  |
DX-58 BOX/150 5/26 Quantity | 1-4 | 5-9 | 10+ | Price* Sale Price | $54.00
$39.95 | $52.00
$38.95 | $50.00
$37.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: XRD58 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | DX-57 BOX/130 12/25 |  |
DX-57 BOX/130 12/25 Quantity | 1-4 | 5-9 | 10+ | Price* Sale Price | $49.00
$49.95 | $48.00
$49.00 | $47.00
$47.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 8209X |  | Qty |  | |  |
Joy-Alloy regular set amalgam is a spherical lathe cut blended amalgam alloy (Type III) with full 40% silver content. It provides excellent stability, enhanced corrosion resistance and reduced ditching. Jar of 50 capsules.
 | 1 SPILL 7/29 |  |
1 SPILL 7/29 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $70.00
$59.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: JA1SP |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 2 SPILL 5/29 |  |
2 SPILL 5/29 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $80.00
$69.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: JA2SP |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | 3 SPILL 6/29 |  |
3 SPILL 6/29 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $95.00
$89.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: JA3SP |  | Qty |  | |  |
JoyFil brand Light cured universal resin based nanohybrid restorative composite. Not sticky. Box of 20 x .25gm capsules.
 | A1 9/26 |  |
A1 9/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.98
$29.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: FNCA1 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A2 9/26 |  |
A2 9/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.98
$29.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: FNCA2 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A3 4/26 |  |
A3 4/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.98
$29.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: FNCA3 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | A3.5 7/26 |  |
A3.5 7/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.98
$29.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: FNCA35 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | B1 10/25 |  |
B1 10/25 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.98
$21.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: FNCB1SD |  | Qty |  | |  |
8.5" x 12.25" Heavyweight Paper Tray Covers. Good Quality Paper Tray Covers. Box of 1000.
 | WHITE |  |
WHITE Quantity | 1 | 2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $37.00
$28.95 | $35.00
$27.77 | $34.00
$26.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 85225 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | BLUE |  |
BLUE Quantity | 1 | 2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $37.00
$29.95 | $35.00
$28.95 | $34.00
$27.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 85226 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | PINK |  |
PINK Quantity | 1 | 2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $37.00
$29.95 | $35.00
$28.95 | $34.00
$27.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 85227 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | LAVENDER |  |
LAVENDER Quantity | 1 | 2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $37.00
$29.95 | $35.00
$28.95 | $34.00
$27.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 85222 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Prime-Gel Topical Anesthetic Benzocaine Gel. 1oz. Jar. *Buy 4 get 1 free pricing. *As low as $2.70 with 3% off coupon.
 | MINT 2/28 |  |
MINT 2/28 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18018 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | CHERRY 1/28 |  |
CHERRY 1/28 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18017 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | STRAWBERRY 1/26 |  |
STRAWBERRY 1/26 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18024 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | BUBBLE GUM 1/26 |  |
BUBBLE GUM 1/26 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18015 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | GRAPE 1/28 |  |
GRAPE 1/28 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18026 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | PINA COLADA 9/25 |  |
PINA COLADA 9/25 Quantity | 1-4 | 5+ | Price* Sale Price | $4.98
$3.49 | $4.50
$2.79 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 18014 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Qartz Prophy Paste Jars maximizes stain removal while minimizing enamel loss. It helps maintain an effective fluoride level, strengthening tooth enamel and preventing dental caries. Easy rinsing and splatter free. 12oz Jar.
 | MED CHERRY 5/27 |  |
MED CHERRY 5/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $9.98
$7.95 | $9.49
$6.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 58029 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | MED STRAWBERRY 5/27 |  |
MED STRAWBERRY 5/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $9.98
$7.95 | $9.49
$6.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 58132 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | MED MINT 4/27 |  |
MED MINT 4/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $9.98
$7.95 | $9.49
$6.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 58031 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | MED BUBBLEGUM 5/27 |  |
MED BUBBLEGUM 5/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $9.98
$7.95 | $9.49
$6.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 58028 |  | Qty |  | |  |
 | COARSE CHERRY 5/27 |  |
COARSE CHERRY 5/27 Quantity | 1-2 | 3+ | Price* Sale Price | $9.98
$7.95 | $9.49
$6.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: 58030 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Root canal preparation cream is an effective viscous solution for lubricating root canal preparations. 18 gram jar.
 | 18G JAR 8/25 |  |
18G JAR 8/25 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $29.95
$17.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: BRCPSD |  | Qty |  | |  |
Best Selling Ultrasonic Tablets. Biodegradable, non-chlorine anti-rust formula. Non-corrosive enzyme cleaning tablets can also be used as instrument pre-soak or evacuation system cleaner. Box/64 Tablets. *As low as $23.75 with 3% off coupon.
 | BOX/64 TABLETS 4/26 |  |
BOX/64 TABLETS 4/26 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $37.00
$27.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: ULT64 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Vital ICE is a quick way to check cold sensitivity. Endodontic pulp vitality spray. Significantly colder than ethyl chloride or ice. Use with micro applicators or cotton pellet. Save money without sacrificing any quality
 | VITAL ICE 3/27 |  |
VITAL ICE 3/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $27.00
$19.95 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: PEV12 |  | Qty |  | |  |
Best Selling Waterline Cleaner Tablets are a safe and effective resource to maintain clean dental unit waterlines. Box of 60 Tablets. *As low as $25.95 with 3% off coupon.
 | BOX OF 60 4/27 |  |
BOX OF 60 4/27 Quantity | 1+ | Price* Sale Price | $39.00
$27.77 |
Sale thru 3/31 SKU: PSTWC |  | Qty |  | |  |
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